Maya has had a good first week. Mornings are sometimes difficult for her to get up and out of the door...who knows where she get's that from ;), but everyday she has come home with fun things to tell me about her day.
It was so humid the morning of her first day that I couldn't keep the lens clear to get a good picture.
Desire'e had to lay her clothes out the night before just like Maya, and she needed to wear a backpack to school to drop her off. As you can see, her hair wasn't on my list of priorities that morning :).
One day she decided that she really wanted to try and ride the bus home. I was so nervous about letting her do this, but I didn't want to discourage her from being brave. Blake, Desire'e and I anxiously waited for her at the stop in front of our complex with the camera ready... when she showed up she did not have a smile on her face. She jumped into her daddy's arms squeezing him and started to cry. My heart melted :(. I felt so bad. The bus driver was very kind and said that Maya kept telling her she was going the wrong way, so she called her teacher to make sure she had the right address and sure enough she did. I asked Maya later that evening why she was afraid and she explained that the bus passed by the apartment and didn't stop. She didn't understand that the buss needed to stop for the other kids and that it would stop at her house on the way back. Poor Maya, she was just confused...I think I would have been afraid too. Needless to say, she won't be riding the bus again for quite a while. Her teacher assured her the next day that she was very brave to even want to try, and that maybe someday she can try again when she is ready. I still feel guilty about it, maybe I should have known better and not aloud her to go, I don't know, all apart of learning I guess.
both of my little boys ride the bus! And I was a wreck at the start!!! But school is 45 minutes away and I ain't driving that far to pick them up! Rylek, my kindergartner came home crying one of the first days too! And it breaks your heart~ It's been three weeks now and they LOVE the bus!!!
Mik wants to ride the bus.... I still don't know either! We didn't put her in Kindergarten, but the class she does go to has the same hours so she could ride the bus if she wanted to.. SCARY!
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both of my little boys ride the bus! And I was a wreck at the start!!! But school is 45 minutes away and I ain't driving that far to pick them up! Rylek.
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