MAD GAB Challenge

I was dealt a card that read this today:


Can you help me figure it out?


Crystal said...

I'm not good at this game, but I think I've figured it out. :) Congratulations!!

Joyce said...

Congratulations!! Do I see a change in the name of your blog in the future?

The Karrens said...

Took me a minute, but I got it. Congrats! Hope you are doing well. Miss ya!

Jen said...

Fun times headed your way! Congrats!

Asher and Amy said...

Yeah! We love this game. I do have a hard time though. I am so excited for you! Congrats!

Traylor Family said...

you're so creative! congrats!

Karin said...

We are super excited for you guys - its been a while since there was a male holman grandchild - way to break the mold! Sorry we don't tak to ya'll often enough but we do think about you and your name comes up at our house often. We love you guys -

Breanne said...

It's a boy! Yeah! I need your digits!!!!